The Comfort Zone
Don’t step outside your Comfort Zone. If the stability, familiarity, and security of your personal ecosystem, i.e. your comfort zone, are what allow you to perform at your best and, if ‘the magic only happens if you move out of your
Testing Ideas
The Context There are dozens of references on how to present a good idea’. When it comes to presenting ideas my experience is that the ‘pitch’, i.e. method and format, enjoys far more preparation attention than the idea itself. No matter
Testing ideas… Tearing them Apart There are dozens of references and guidelines on 'how to present a good idea’. But, how do you determine if it is a good idea? I will share a technique that expounds on an interesting method of
Presenters are NOT part of the audience
Presentations are about how the audience react … not about how you, as the presenter, reacts! Various research shows that public speaking is feared by around 73% of men and 75% of women. Public speaking allows us to form connections, influence