Integritas approached our team during their concept phase. The business was set up to conduct clinical psychological assessments of those injured on the road, with the intended purpose of writing medico-legal reports meant for court.
As each of the founding members had strong connections within the industry after years of experience, word of their new company spread quickly. Requests for assessments started pouring in before they even had any branding ready.
As this sudden surge or need in clinical psychology medico-legal reports seemed to only be increasing, Integritas required urgent attention. This meant working overtime to bring them the logo and business stationery needed for the reports.
Integritas is the Latin word for integrity, a trait many of us seek in those within the medical industry. The founding team of the company Integritas wanted to have an icon that symbolized both this high standard of integrity as well as the African roots of its establishment. After a few hours of mulling over some logo concepts, the symbol of the baobab tree had appeared. This kind of iconography is easy to recognize and provides a presence of strength and knowledge.
It came to be a logo design that truly stood out within the industry, and proudly so. Integritas had a short life as soon after all was finalized the founding members all moved on to other opportunities.